Complaints and Grievances

In addition to the specific policies outlined in the Student Handbook regarding harassment and appeals for reevaluation of grades, The Taft University System and its educational divisions, William Howard Taft University and Taft Law School,  (hereinafter called the "University"), provides the following process to file a formal grievance in the unlikely event that a dispute cannot be easily or immediately resolved.

Fundamental to the process is the principle that all parties make good-faith efforts to resolve all issues prior to initiating a formal grievance. The following actions are recommended to resolve any issue, complaint or grievance.

  1. Informal Resolution: The complainant is encouraged to resolve the issue informally with the faculty or staff member involved.
  2. Formal Grievance Filing: If a prompt resolution cannot be achieved through informal discussion the complainant should document in writing and submit it to the Director of Student Services. Current students should use the Request and Appeal Form. A copy of this form, which may be reproduced, is included as Exhibit "B" of the Student Handbook.

A formal grievance must clearly and concisely set forth what is sought, the reasons therefore, and any supporting information or documentation.

The Director of Student Services will conduct an initial review of the grievance and convene the faculty, Associate Dean, and administration as necessary to arrive at a resolution. Additional information may be requested from the complainant. If the requested information is not received within 15 days, the complaint may be considered abandoned and may not be continued. If no resolution can be reached in a reasonable amount of time (generally 1 -2 weeks), the grievance and supporting documentation will be forwarded to the Dean who will render a decision in writing within 1 week. The Dean's decision shall be final.

In all cases, the University will take follow-up action as necessary based on the review and the decisions rendered.

The complainant will be keep informed of progress throughout the grievance process. Records of all formal grievance filings are kept on file at the University.

Any complainant that does not believe that his or her grievance has been satisfactorily resolved may lodge a complaint with either The Taft University System's home state regulatory body, the Colorado Department of Higher Education or its accrediting body the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. Information to contact these agencies are listed below.

Any current or former student of The Taft University System who believes that the University, or anyone representing the University, has acted unlawfully, has the right to file a complaint with the accrediting commission, Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) or the Colorado Department of Higher Education. Information to contact these agencies are listed below.

Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC)
1601 18th Street, NW, 
Washington, D.C. 20009 
Phone: 202-234-5100 
DEAC Policy on Complaints:

Colorado Department of Higher Education 
1560 Broadway, Suite 1600, 
Denver, CO 80202 
Phone 303-862-3001 
Fax 303-996-1329 
Colorado Department of Higher Education Policy on Complaints: